Welcome to Canva!
Canva for Education Onboarding Guide for Staff
Logging into Canva and the District Team
Option 1
How to log in to
Log in through your Dashboard
The Canva for Education app is now available on your Clever Dashboard. This will allow for single sign on (SSO) to Canva
If you have access to Clever, open up your Clever Dashboard
Locate the Canva App
Click on the Canva app and follow the instructions on the screen.
If you do not have access to Clever, please submit a helpdesk ticket or skip to Option 2.
Option 2
Option 2
How to log in to
If you don't already have a Canva account associated with your district email address:
Go to www.canva.com and click Log in.
Enter your district email address in the Email/Cell field.
Click Continue.
Log in with your district login credentials. Your Canva account will be created and you'll be making Canva designs in no time!
If you do already have a Canva account associated with your district email address:
Go to www.canva.com. Make sure you are logged out, and then click Log in.
Enter your district email address in the Email/Cell field and click Continue.
Log in with your district login credentials.
You will be asked to log in again. Canva needs you to log into your "old" account so that it can connect your existing Canva account to the district's Canva implementation. Log in however you have historically logged in to Canva: with Google, with your original password, etc.
You will be asked to connect your pre-existing Canva account to your district SSO. Click Connect your account.
You're good! You will be able to toggle between your pre-existing Canva work and the district team by clicking your photo/initials in the circle at the upper-right corner of the screen (see next page for more info).
Your Stuff, The District Team, and Creating a Class Folder
First, some basics about your District team...
You are now a member of a district-wide team.
While it may be a bit confusing that you're now working in what is called a "district team," keep in mind that nothing in Canva is shared without the creator actively granting access to others. You can share if you want to, but your work is private by default.
How to Switch Teams in Canva
You might be a member of multiple teams in Canva, if you have teams from your pre-existing Canva account. You can switch between teams to find content and collaborate with the right groups of people.
Use the dropdown menu to move between teams.
Click your team switcher in the upper-left corner of the screen.
How to Copy Designs Between Canva Teams
Open your design. Click the Share button, scroll down to More, and select the the Template Link option.
(Paste here)
Go back to your Canva.com home screen and use the account switcher in the upper-left corner to switch to the team you want to copy the design to.
Paste the link you copied into your browser's URL bar and hit enter. Click the Use Template button to create a copy of the old design, which will now forever be housed in your new team.
In the window that ​appears, copy the ​Template link for the ​design. Close the design.
The School/ District Team
Click on the Setting Gear at the top right corner of your Canva homepage. This is where you’ll see everything related to your team. Teachers can view the people in their team, and they can create and modify groups and classes. Canva uses the terms groups and classes interchangeably!
The School/ District Team:
The People tab shows all users who have logged into your team, along with their roles.
The School/ District Team:
The Groups/Classes tab will show the groups that a user is a member or owner of.
Creating a group/class makes things easier if you routinely share things with the same group of people.
Teachers can create their own classes here as well as set up grade level or department groups.
Creating Designs in Canva
What Can Teachers Create in Canva?
Just a few ideas to inspire you...
Ways to Get Started...
Use the templates button on the home page to find a great starting point...
Or, click
Create a design on your home page and select a document type.
Or, click Create a design and then use the
Custom size option.
Or just search for something in the Search bar.
high-quality, educational templates to customize.
Posters of
all different ​types
Group work
Virtual classroom kits
with Zoom backgrounds, Google Classroom headers, and more!
Classroom ​decor kits
Student ​video ​templates
SEL ​activities
And much, much more!
Publishing, Collaborating, and Sharing
Share in Canva
Share your work with individuals or share with a group, using the Share menu. When sharing a link, there are four options:
Share link to view
Share link to edit
Share link to comment
You can also share link to use as template- i.e. others can make a copy of the work you share and edit it. We will cover this in a later slide.
Publish Your Designs
Publish as Template or Template Link
Publishing your design as a template or template link will allow others to make a copy of your design without changing the original.
Click the "Share" button in the top right corner.
Click More at the bottom of the dropdown. Search for "template"
To save as a template, stored in a folder in Canva and usable to those who have access to that folder in Canva, click Template and select a folder to save it to.
To share as a template link, so that anyone who receives and clicks the link can use the template, click Template link.
Comment on Designs
It’s easy to comment on any element in a design. You can also tag someone in a comment to notify them and allow them to respond.
Select an element in your design.
Click Add comment button on the right.
Type your comment or @mention a collaborator.
You can even add stickers to your Canva comments!
Learning More...
Questions?/Help - Jessica Blancas, Communications Coordinator
jblancas@qsd.wednet.edu | Ext. 3106